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GEN.3:15 – using art as a conversation opener

For over thirty years Maz Gill-Harper has been making artworks, aiming to open conversations about the Lord Jesus, both within the church and the secular world. Here Maz explains her…

Farewell to Rev John Middleton

On Sunday 26 July, women from Mary Hutchinson and men from Ron Barwick prisons came together in separate services, to farewell Rev John Middleton. John joined the Risdon prison ministry…

Anglicare invites you to become part of the TazKids experience

Anglicare Tasmania held two TazKids camps in the recent school holidays, and from all accounts they were “awesome’’. The camps give children who have a parent or guardian impacted by…

Applause from Glenview residents

For the past couple of months, each Thursday morning residents at Glenview Community Services’ Windsor Street site have gathered to watch the online church service from St David’s Cathedral. Glenview’s…

Rural Mission Training Day – 1st August – online event

How do we ‘pass on the baton?’ What do we need to do to ensure that parishes, especially in rural communities, have a future? How do we train up the…

You are welcome – World Refugee Day 2020

World Refugee Day 2020 is June 20. The theme is Year of welcome. Jesus said, “for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave…

Online Event – Wednesday 24 June 2020, 6:30pm – 8pm

GAFCON Australia are hosting this special online event. “We will proclaim Christ faithfully to the nations!” Join us for an online celebration of Gafcon’s ministry to global, orthodox Anglicans as…

ARDFA’s Bushfire Appeal Update

In November 2019, we promoted the Anglican Relief and Development Fund Australia (ARDFA) Bushfire Appeal (original post can be read here). Lucy Lim, Executive Director of ARDFA, has shared that,…

A Tiger, Truffles and a Bell Tower

Over the past few months, our motto at St George’s Battery Point has been: ‘Our building is closed but our hearts are open’. Our focus has been on keeping people…