Aboriginal/Anglican Resources

“We leave base camp and start the trek across this vast country. We invite you to walk with us in the movement of the Australian people for a better future.”
The Anglican Aboriginal Relationship Working Group (AARWG) develops opportunities and resources to support Anglican Church members to create relationships with Aboriginal people.
At the National Constitution Convention in Uluru in May 2017 the First Nations people presented The Statement from the Heart, calling on our Nation to reflect upon our histories, and to listen and embrace the opportunity to walk together for a better future.
Following the recent Diocesan Synod, the AARWG prepared this resource pack to assist our church to take steps in creating relationships with First Nations People.
Looking back over the 230 years since our European ancestors arrived, the First Nations People have suffered and endured appalling atrocities.
The Anglican Church, which was a prominent participant in the colonisation of this land, was complicit in the tragic history of the treatment of Aboriginal people which followed. Steps taken to create a listening relationship with Aboriginal people will provide many opportunities to listen to their stories and to move forward together.
In the concluding words of The Statement from the Heart,
“We leave base camp and start the trek across this vast country. We invite you to walk with us in the movement of the Australian people for a better future.”
As we use this resource pack may we be open to the Spirit of Jesus, by joining our Aboriginal and Torres Strait First Nations Peoples to be a church truly sharing and showing the love of Jesus.
Find your local Tasmanian Aboriginal Organisation
“Mannalargenna Day”
Aboriginal Cultural Festival, Dec 2, 2023 Bus Trip
Come and join us for travel to this great Cultural Festival, by Bus, from Launceston.
Mannalargenna Day has been held for some years at tebrakunna/Little Musselroe Bay, staged by melythina tiakana warana Aboriginal Corporation. It’s a great time of learning and celebrating Tasmanian Aboriginal Culture. The Event is planned to run from 9:00am-5:00pm.
More Event information can be found at: https://rectas.com.au/event/mannalargenna-day
This year, the Anglican Aboriginal Relationships Working Group, in conjunction with Land Voyages (https://landvy.com/), is arranging transport to the event, by bus, from Launceston.
We plan to depart Launceston at 6:30am, and spend most of the day at the event, returning to Launceston in the evening. Cost for the travel will be $25. Organisers of the event say small taster-plates of cultural foods will be available, and there will be a coffee van on site, but that people should also plan to bring their own food and drink. It would be wise to organise your own accommodation in Launceston the evening before, and possibly that evening as well.
For further information, or to book a seat on the bus, call John on 0488473973.
The Voice to Parliament
Thinking about the Voice by The Revd Josh Skeat, Priest in Charge, Ulverstone Anglican Church
From the Anglican Church of Australia:
Constitutional Recognition and The Voice to Parliament
The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council (NATSIAC) has provided leadership to the national church in consideration of issues associated with constitutional recognition and a voice to Parliament. NATSIAC, in consultation with the Public Affairs Commission, has developed resources including summaries and theological reflections for use by Anglican parishes, schools and organisations.
The Anglican Church of Australia first confirmed its support for constitutional recognition for first nations people and a voice to the Commonwealth parliament by passing the following resolution at the 17th Session of General Synod held in 2017 (R28/17):
The General Synod:
- Supports the recommendation of the Referendum Council for a constitutionally-entrenched First Nations’ Voice to the Commonwealth Parliament;
- Encourages the governments in Australia to seek to negotiate in good faith with First Nations’ Peoples towards treaties or other similar forms of agreement;
- Requests the General Secretary to convey this resolution to the Prime Minister, State Premiers, and Leaders of the Opposition;
- Requests the Public Affairs Commission in consultation with NATSIAC to prepare resources, including summaries and theological reflections for use by Anglican parishes, schools and organisations, on the Referendum Council Report on any subsequent referendum questions and on the progress of treaty or similar negotiations.
These resources can be found here: https://anglican.org.au/our-work/indigenous-ministry/the-voice-of-parliament/
Why I will be voting ‘Yes’ in the Referendum, by Revd John Tongue
This is an opinion piece prepared by Revd John Tongue, member and co-chair of the Anglican Aboriginal Relationships Working Group (AARWG). They are personal opinions, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the whole group, nor are they an ‘official’ position of the Diocese of Tasmania, or Bishop Richard Condie.
Is There No Balm in Gilead?
Watch Greg Lehman and Tim McCormack have an intimate conversation about Tasmanian history, their own personal journeys and how lament as it is found in art and sacred texts might contribute to healing and a shared future. Conversation begins at 17:35.