Theological Training
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."
Paul to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:15

Here in the Diocese of Tasmania we are committed to growing our confidence in God who loves and sustains the world, and who sent His Son to redeem it.
We want to be confident in Him, in the Gospel he has entrusted to us to proclaim, in the Scriptures that reveal His Son to us, and in the Church, that is His Body.
As we grow in our confidence, we expect that God will bless us, and be glorified through us.
Certificates like those offered through Ridley and Moore College will equip Tasmanian Anglicans with the knowledge and skills that we need to confidently carry out the mission of Christ in our local contexts.
Anyone who undertakes intentional study of God’s word, theology and ministry skills, will reap a great harvest, not only in their own lives but in the lives of others.
“It is my desire that we can train as many people as possible to be fruitful in their own discipleship and able to equip and teach others. Ridley and Moore Colleges offer world class teaching which provides a great foundation for confident ministry. I commend it to you.”
Bishop Richard Condie
Certificate level theological study individually or with a group
These are suitable for anyone. There are two options of theological study to choose from:
- Ridley College offers an online video-based course designed for people who prefer visual, aural and social learning styles. You can try it out with the FREE Bible Overview Unit - do it by yourself, in a small group, as a church training day, or however suits you best.
- Moore College offers a hard copy print-based course which is best suited to people who prefer logical, verbal and solitary learning styles.
Tasmanian Ridley Cohort - online theological study
The Diocese of Tasmania is working together with Ridley College to provide a Tasmanian Ridley Cohort for Tasmanian Anglicans studying online at degree or graduate level with Ridley College. Study options begin with the Graduate Certificate in Divinity (4 subjects), followed by the Graduate Diploma (8 subjects) through to Master of Theological Studies (2 years) or Master of Divinity (3 years). These can be done part-time.
Ridley College holds regular online Open Days where you can ask all your questions about ministry training and theological study. More info is here.
Through the Tasmanian Ridley Cohort, students will be supported, and linked together, with some visits to Tasmania from Ridley lecturers.
In 2024 there will be visits to Tasmania from Ridley faculty Dr Andrew Judd (23 February) and Dr Scott Harrower (13-14 September). Each visit will include an open teaching event for anyone, plus a session for current Ridley students - more detail will be advertised on our website and Facebook page and sent to current Ridley students.
For more information contact
“The study has helped us to break down sections of the Bible to give better understanding of the reading, and how it ties in with other books of both Old and New Testaments. We fully recommend the Ridley Course.”
“The Moore Preliminary Certificate just scrapes the surface of what there is to learn, but is proving to be a helpful overview of Christian teaching, with plenty of new insights and opportunities to engage more deeply with what God has to say through the Bible.”
“The two units I have completed have given me a better handle on the Bible as a whole. I now feel stronger as a Christian, and better able to talk about my faith…..I really loved Michael Raiter’s way of bringing in C.S.Lewis’ Last Battle at the end of Bible Overview!”
“Studying ‘Understanding the Bible’ as well as ‘Bible Overview’ has opened my eyes up to a new way of reading, studying and interpreting the Bible in a way that challenges me to better understand the scriptures and why they were written.”
“The good thing about doing the courses online is that it allows you to go at your own pace week by week, which when you are holding down a full time job allows you time to study and complete modules thus taking away some of the stress that juggling these two activities can involve.”
“I have especially learnt a lot from the 'Five Looks' method of exegesis (look up, down, back, forward and here), which has helped me to widen my knowledge and to search beyond just the passage that I am reading, so that I will be better equipped to share the Gospel with others.”