The National Redress Scheme

The National Redress Scheme provides acknowledgment and support to people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse.
The National Redress Scheme provides acknowledgment and support to people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse.
It was created in response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, which estimated that 60,000 people experienced institutional child sexual abuse in Australia.
Redress is an alternative to seeking compensation through the courts.
The National Redress Scheme can provide three things:
- access to counselling;
- a payment; and
- a direct personal response from the institution (e.g. an apology) for people who want it.
The scheme started on 1 July 2018 and will run for 10 years.
The Anglican Church of Australia has joined the Scheme. This means people who were abused in the care of the Anglican Church in Tasmania can apply to the Scheme for redress.
People can apply now using an online or paper form.
Free and confidential Redress Support Services are available throughout the process. They can help explain the Scheme and who can apply.
For more information, visit or call the National redress Scheme line on 1800 737 377.