Prayer Ministry

Prayer is the way we communicate with our Lord. There are many ways to talk and listen to God. Growing our prayer life helps grow our relationship with Jesus.

At the centre of our life with God stands the Cross. Because Jesus gave his life for each and every one of us, we know we are always welcomed into our heavenly Father’s presence.

I call you friends

Jesus says, ‘I’ve called you “friends”...’ (John 15:15) and tells us ‘No one has a greater love than this, to lay down your life for your friends’ (John 15:13). In the Cross as Jesus died we see this greatest love – a love that invites us into friendship with the living God, whose heart longs for us.

Christians through the ages have discovered the wonder of this friendship. And they have come to realise that the time they spend in prayer is precious to God. His love for us is so great He was willing to give His Son to bring us back into relationship with him (John 3:16). He wants our company. He wants to pour his love on us and to share his loving purposes for the world with us.

If our friendship means so much to him – and the time we spend with him gives him such delight, can we find more time in our busy lives just for him - to talk to him, listen to him and be loved by him? Is it possible to have a good look at our daily timetable and decide to factor in more prayer time so this friendship can grow?

To subscribe to daily prayers for the Diocese of Tasmania, we recommend the PrayerMateTM App, for iOS and Android.

A Reflective Prayer at the Cross

This prayer is designed for each of us to pause and add our own prayer sentences and to keep developing the prayer. There are three sections to it: What I…