The Light Has Come – Daily Resources

Prayer Resources

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.” Hebrews 13:15 New International Version (NIV)

These resources are provided to give focus, if and when required. Feel free to use them, or not to, as you are led by the Spirit. For those who are technology savvy, we have included a link to a song of praise each day. These songs may have a free ad that starts playing first but you can skip that after 3 seconds (click on Skip Ad box lower right in the song box) and then the song will come on. We have shared the YouTube clip as it often has the words come up also. Once again, feel free to use, or not use, as led.

A suggestion for each daily reading is:

  • Declare aloud the Scripture given for that day; • Read slowly a second time pausing to pray your own prayers in agreement with the Word.

For example:

Psalm 145:1 – a possible prayer after reading verse 1 may be:

“O Lord God, heavenly King, I praise you that you are King over all. You rule and You reign! Majestic King you are esteemed above all else and Your name is acclaimed in all the world. I will praise Your name for ever and ever.”

As you finish your daily praise give thanks, in faith, for all God plans for Tasmania and Australia.

Click here to download the Daily Resources
