“I want to publicly declare my faith in Jesus and follow him forever”

“I turn to Christ.
I repent of my sins. 
I renounce Satan and all that is evil.
I will, by God’s grace, strive to live as a disciple of Christ, loving God with my whole heart, and my neighbour as myself, until my life’s end.”

With these words, 11 young people from St Clements Kingston were baptised on Sunday 27 September at Kingston Beach.

One said, “His love has changed me and will change my life forevermore.” Another said, “nothing is more worth pursuing than God.” A third said, “I want to publicly declare my faith in Jesus and follow him forever.”

The group of young people had been through a six-week baptism preparation course, where they read through Ephesians and discussed what it means to be a Christian and follow Christ.

And so when Sunday came, a large group gathered at Kingston Beach to support and encourage these young people as they waded into the water to be baptised and commit themselves to follow Christ for the rest of their lives. Sponsors and ministers and one very intrepid Bishop all embraced the 13 degree water as a symbol of the new life given them in Christ.

Such a tangible expression of faith in Christ stirred the crowd to remember the promises each had made to turn to Christ, repent of their sins, and live as a disciple of Christ.
