Farewell to Rev John Middleton
On Sunday 26 July, women from Mary Hutchinson and men from Ron Barwick prisons came together in separate services, to farewell Rev John Middleton. John joined the Risdon prison ministry team in July 2015 providing regular communion services and supporting ex-offenders returning into the community.
A warm time was had in both prisons. John was invited to share the story of his journey into prison ministry, inmates enjoyed worship and prayer, and there were surprises in store too! In women’s a celebratory chocolate cake appeared inside a plastic laundry tub. There was a picture of Jesus painted by one of the women and everyone was able to express their appreciation by signing the back of it. The men expressed their appreciation and affection for John with a hand-made card and book-mark.

Rev John called it “the church inside the prison” they were, he said, “the body of Christ” and all were welcome to share in services, regardless of where they were on their journey. All those who received John’s ministry were keen to express their love and respect for this humble man who drove from Cygnet to Risdon Vale every Sunday afternoon for five years, to share Jesus with them!
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to John for visiting and sharing God’s love through action. You have spoken words of life, love, peace, and hope into the hearts of a great many prisoners and we are very thankful.
If you would like to know more about Prison Ministry and the work of Anglican Health and Welfare please contact our Chaplains at: tpschaplaincy@justice.tas.gov.au or visit www.anglicanhealthandwelfare.org.au