EVENTS: Religion in Public Life

Public Lecture: Church and State – Religion in Public Life

Tuesday 8 April, 6-8pm
St George’s Anglican Church, 30 Cromwell St, Battery Point

This topic is always relevant and contested in contemporary life, perhaps especially as we see political events unfold in the US. There is often a lot of heat in public discussion on this subject (and in the church!). This lecture will bring some much needed light.

This public lecture is designed for anyone, regardless of their faith. Young adults are especially encouraged to attend.

Tickets are available:

We would love you to share this with your congregations, and encourage them to come with a friend.

Leadership Breakfast: Subjects and Citizens Book Launch

Wednesday 9 April, 7-9am
Wellspring Anglican Church, cnr Grosvenor and Lord Streets, Sandy Bay

Subjects and Citizens is a thoughtful and timely book that explores fundamental Biblical principles rather than championing a single political party or agenda. This event will provide deep and fresh thinking for those wanting to be prayerfully and responsibly engaged in the political process, both those serving in parliament and beyond.

We have invited all Christian politicians in Tasmania to attend this event.

This event will be especially helpful for pastors and Christian leaders as they seek to lead people in engaging as Christians in public and political life. There will be plenty of time for Q&A with a world class theologian and someone who has a wealth of experience engaging in the public square.

Tickets are availble now:…/subjects-and-citizens-book-launch

Rev. Dr. Michael Jensen is a theologian, an Anglican minister and public intellectual. His articles regularly appear in The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, The Daily Telegraph, and ABC online. He holds a doctorate from the University of Oxford. He is the author of eleven books, including most recently Subjects and Citizens: The Politics of the Gospel (2024).
