2024 Children’s Ministry Conference

This is a training event for any children’s ministry volunteers or ministry leaders.


Children’s Ministry is a vital ministry of churches in the Diocese of Tasmania. Come and be inspired and equipped for this ministry and network with other people who are also serving in this capacity.

Tim Beilharz from Youthworks in Sydney is our Keynote speaker and will be leading two sessions on Intergenerational Ministry. The day will close with an intergenerational time of worship facilitated by Tim.

Pete Adlem, Rector of St Clement’s Kingston, will be speaking on “Power, Prayer and Partnership” from Acts 12, and there will also be practical electives that will be of benefit to people serving in different Children’s Ministry contexts.

There will be plenty of opportunity to connect with other people involved in Children’s Ministry and also a range of relevant resources will be available on the day. This conference is designed to be useful for your whole team from Junior Leaders through to Ministry Leaders. There will also be a program run on the day for the children of those attending the conference.


When? Saturday 27th July 10am-3.30pm

Where? The Grange, Campbell Town

Cost? $20 (adults), $10 (children).  Food will be provided.





10am          Welcome and Bible Talk (Pete Adlem)

11am           Morning Tea

11.20am     Foundations of Intergenerational Ministry (Tim Beilharz)

12.15pm     Lunch

1pm            Electives (choose one of these two options on the day)

                           5 Things Every Kid’s Club Should Have

                          Gospel-Shaped Group Management in Children’s Ministry

1.45pm       Afternoon Tea

2.10pm       Workshop: Intergenerational Children’s Ministry (Tim Beilharz)

3pm            All Ages session: Intergenerationality: Let’s Play

3:30pm     Close




Elective 1: 5 Things Every Kids Club Should Have

Jess Allen and Melanie Mousley

Thinking of starting up a Kids Club? Or maybe you’re already running one at your centre? Here is an opportunity to explore five things every Kids Club should have!
This workshop aims to explore ideas, challenges and the practicalities of running a Kids Program, facilitated by Jess Allen and Melanie Mousley who have been involved in Children’s and youth ministry in Tasmania for some years. As well as looking at the practical aspects of Kids programs such as what to teach and what games to play; the workshop will also touch on mission and values (i.e. why run a kids program anyway?), relationship building, safety, and community connection. The workshop is an interactive session, designed to help spark discussion and empower participants to use their own ideas and gifts in children’s ministry.


Elective 2: Gospel-Shaped Group Management in Children’s Ministry

Tim Beilharz


For further information email dmd@anglicantas.org.au


This conference fits within the Strategy for Ministry to Children and Young People in the Anglican Church on Tasmania 2023-2028 and has been designed around the needs highlighted by Ministry Leaders and volunteers.
