Bishop's Welcome

Our great desire is to be a church for Tasmania, making disciples of Jesus in our cities, towns and communities, through the ministry of our parishes, schools, agencies and various other ministries.
The Diocese of Tasmania is seeking to be a church for Tasmania, making disciples of Jesus.
We want to be FOR every part of Tasmanian life, for business, for government, for healthcare, for education, for the media and the arts, for families and individuals and for the environment. All of these things make up the rich tapestry of the state of Tasmania.
The unique contribution that we can make to each of these areas, is only what churches can do, and that is “make disciples of the Jesus Christ”. He commanded us to do this (in Matthew 28:18-20), and we gladly take up the challenge in our generation.
Right across the diocese in our parishes in every community, through our schools and agencies, in chaplaincy in hospitals, prisons and aged care facilities, and through the daily witness and work of Anglican Christians in the world, we hope to make disciples of Jesus. We hope to be salt and light, and to bring real blessing by continuing the work of presenting Jesus to the world.
We would love to welcome you in one of our Parishes any day of the week, or meet you through one of the programs run by Anglicare, or even encounter you through one of our chaplains, in a school or hospital, and share with you the hope we have in Jesus.
Please explore this website to learn about our work.
With warm wishes in Christ,