The 2024 Bishop's Training Event will run over two Saturdays in October: in Hobart on Saturday 19 October and in Launceston on Saturday 26 October.
The 2024 guest speaker is Simon Smart, Executive Director of the Centre for Public Christianity.
This year's event theme will focus on how we can persevere in making disciples of Jesus, in order to see a harvest.
The Hobart Bishop's Training Event will be held at St Clements Anglican Church, 100 Beach Rd, Kingston.
The Launceston Bishop's Training Event will be held at Worldview College for Intercultural Studies, 41 Station Rd, St Leonards.
The Bishop’s Training Event is an annual event for all Anglicans from around Tasmania to gather together to learn and grow and be encouraged.
Online registration for the Launceston event is now closed. Adults can still register in person from 9am Saturday 26 October at Worldview College. For any children/youth registrations, please call 0417 343710.
2024 Program
9-10am – Registration, resource fair and morning tea
10 - 11am – Main Session 1 (Simon Smart)
11-11:15am - Short Break
11.15-12.15pm - Workshops Session 1
12.15-1.15pm – Lunch
1.15-2:15pm – Workshops Session 2
2:15-2:30 - Short Break
2.30-3:30pm – Main Session 2 (Bishop Richard Condie)
Children and Young People at the Bishop's Training Event
A creche for toddlers through to Kindergarten age will be running from 10am-12.15pm. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Primary (Prep-Grade 6): A great day of activities, music, learning, discussion, fun and friendship is planned for children in grades Prep-6. The Primary Program runs from 10am-3:30pm on-site (starting in the main session with the grown ups). Not only will the kids have full hearts as we learn about God’s mission, his followers and His love for the world, they’ll also have full tummies as all food is provided. We look forward to seeing you there!
Youth (Grades 7-12): A program that samples LiT (Leaders-in-Training) Camp, whether or not you've been to it yet. It's for people in Grades 7-12. We'll have a lot of fun, engage with the Scriptures, and put into practice what we've learned as leaders-in-training with the children and with the adults. Oh and there's lunch for all youth who come. The youth program runs from 11:15am-2:15pm, with the option to stay on and help lead the primary program from 2:15-3:30pm or go back to the final main session with the adults. In Hobart, the Youth program will be held offsite at the Kingborough Community Centre (a 10 minute walk away).
Alternatively, Grade 7 -12s can remain in the main program with their responsible adult.
A creche for toddlers through to Kindergarten age will be running from 10am-12.15pm. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Primary (Prep - Grade 6) – Children will start with parents and carers in the main morning session, leave around 10:20am and return at 3:30pm. This day is run on-site at Worldview, with lots of fun activities, games, and songs, all while learning about how we can use our gifts and talents for God’s Glory and the Great Commission. Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea are all provided.
Youth (Grades 7-12): A program for Grades 7-12 in Launceston will include an Escape Room activity, lunch together and much more! It will run from 11:15am, after the first main session.
Alternatively, Grade 7 -12s can remain in the main program with their responsible adult.
Morning Tea and Lunch
Morning tea will be provided before the first session.
Lunch - Anglican Camping will be running a BBQ onsite as a fundraiser. There are also many food shops within close walking distance. Alternatively you can BYO lunch but please do not bring any nuts.
Morning tea will be provided before the first session.
Lunch - Anglican Camping will be running a BBQ onsite as a fundraiser and there will also be another food option for purchase onsite (including various soups) which will also benefit Anglican Camping. Alternatively you can BYO lunch but please do not bring any nuts.
Keynote Talk - Simon Smart
“Public Christianity for a Post-Christian & anxious age.”
Increasingly in the West, Christian faith seems headed for the margins. Considered outdated, irrelevant or even sinister by some, it is certainly alien territory for many others.
The challenges in promoting the truth, beauty and goodness of the Christian story are many and varied.
But Simon Smart thinks this is not the time for pessimism, fear and withdrawal. Instead, he believes the Christian message, clearly articulated and embodied, still resonates powerfully with a society that is struggling to find satisfying answers to life’s deepest questions.
The workshops run for an hour and are more interactive than the main sessions.
When registering for the Bishop's Training Event you will get to choose which workshops you would like to attend. You can select up to one workshop per session. Please note that there are attendance limits on some workshops, and spaces will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. If you do not select a workshop, you will be allocated to the one running in the largest space.
Session 1
Session 2
About the Bishop's Training Event
The Bishop's Training Event provides both theological and practical teaching, grounding us in God’s word and also providing us the opportunity to learn some new skills with practical workshops, for example, in evangelism and discipleship, ministry to all ages, prayer, mission, leadership, and public worship.
At the heart of our Vision to be a church for Tasmania, making disciples of Jesus, is developing a network of flourishing parish centres across our Diocese working together with our other Anglican ministries, schools and agencies. It is hoped that people leave the training event encouraged, with greater knowledge of God, and some practical skills and ideas to grow a flourishing parish and to serve God in the community and with their whole life.
Contact Us
This Diocese is committed to training people for ministry and partnering with our parishes, chaplaincies, schools and agencies to see this happen. If you require further information about training please contact the Director of Ministry Development.