Anglican Church recognises the importance of Redress

Monday April 16, 2018

The Anglican Bishop of Tasmania, The Right Revd Dr Richard Condie, today reaffirms his church’s commitment to a National Redress Scheme and acknowledges how important it is for survivors of child sexual abuse.

In 2015 the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse recommended a National Redress Scheme (NRS) for all institutions. Their hope was that an accessible, independent, fair, accountable, and efficient scheme would be established to allow as many survivors as possible to access redress.

Bishop Condie said, “The Anglican Church of Tasmania is thankful for the Royal Commission exposing the depth of the child sexual abuse problem in our country and especially in Anglican institutions.

“We are committed to redress for survivors of sexual abuse under the principles of the National Redress Scheme and are hoping to join the scheme,” he said.

“Redress will require all institutions to make costly sacrifices, but this is necessary for restorative justice, recognition and support for survivors.

“Making redress payments ensures a measure of restorative justice, as the institution acknowledges that the abuse occurred,” said Bishop Condie.

“Redress provides recognition to those who have suffered abuse. Institutions can own their past and acknowledge and accept responsibility for the damage done in their name.

“Redress is important as it begins the process of providing support for those whose lives have been damaged by experiencing child sexual abuse within an institution,” he said.

“The Anglican Church of Tasmania wants to be a church for Tasmania and so reaffirms its commitment to survivors and rebuilding community trust.

“We urge the Tasmanian Government to be part of the National Redress Scheme,” said Bishop Condie.
