Code of Conduct | Faithfulness in Service

Faithfulness in Service is our code of conduct that sets out the expected behaviour of clergy and workers in the church.

Before beginning your ministry or work, you are required to read and make a commitment to our Code for Personal Behaviour (Faithfulness in Service).

This training is available both face-to-face and online. Please contact your Safe Churches Communities Parish Coordinator who can explain to you the best way to complete this training. 

About this code

When Jesus spoke to his disciples he said they were to be servants of others, even as Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve.

The call to be holy is reflected in both the Old and New Testaments as the appropriate response to God's grace. Christians live according to the knowledge that they have been created by God and redeemed by Christ.

There are five sections in the Code:

We have a number of resources designed to explain and help you understand our Code of Conduct. View our Resources.

If you are not a member of the church but are volunteering in a church program or shop, please talk to your Leader/Manager about an appropriate Code of Conduct.