A Year in the Saddle

“A Year in the Saddle” – is the title given to me by BCA Victoria for a talk I am giving in May about my first year in Tasmania. While a number of my predecessors literally spent time in a saddle, I have enjoyed driving over 28,500km in a comfortable car through this great state in the last year.

I can honestly say, I have given thanks to God every day for his gift of ministry here in Tasmania. I am heartened by the openness of people to journeying in gospel ministry together, and am confident that God has a bright future for us.

Over the last month I have been talking and listening to lots of people about a vision for our future. I am convinced that God is calling us to concentrate on disciple-making in the next season of our life, and I am pleased that so many of the people who came to the consultations have also lent their support in this direction.

We still have a lot of work to do in thinking about our strategies for developing this focus, and training people. But I am really keen to see our Parishes flourishing in healthy, growing, outward-looking ministries focussed on our key purpose of making disciples of Jesus.

Every consultation underlined the need for us to commit to transformative prayer, so that we might be changed by Him. I wonder if you would join me in praying daily for God to lead is in developing a vision and strategic pathway for the Diocese of Tasmania that brings glory to Jesus Christ?

Bishop Richard Condie
